Bangladeshi Sexiest Model Ruma

 Sexy Ruma

Ruma is one of the most gorgeous ramp models in Bangladesh.  She born on August 25, 1988 in Old Dhaka. Her parents are from Kashmir, India.

Bangladeshi sexy girl
Ruma is generally working in ramp modeling and she also worked on some TV commercials. She is known as top listed ramp model and best photo shoot model.
Ruma is looking gorgeous and so hot & sexy. This is the reason why of her popularity. She got an awesome body structure. Her height is about 165cm (5.5feet), hip is 88cm/35”, bust is 83cm/33”, waist is 63cm/25” and she is black eyed.
She played as a brand ambassador’s roll in a many company and fashion houses. She had done many TV commercials. These are:  Nescafe (Nestle BD), Fanta drinks (Pepsi Co), Hitachi electronics, O2, Warid Telecom. She become popular after doing her best known TV commercial Gorgeous Sharadin and after that she is known as the gorgeous model in Bangladesh. She is also best known for Nescafe’s cover page modeling.
Ruma is also known as the most professional female model. She feels comfort in ramp and she also work in one TV drama serial but she is not professional in this field.

Name: Ruma
Date of Birth: August 25, 1988
Hair: black
Height: 165cm/5'5"
Waist: 63cm/ 25"
Bust: 83cm/33"
Eyes: black
Hips: 88cm/35"
Shoes: 17cm /7"

Source: Collected.






